
What Your Customers Want To See

  • Mark Edwards ·
  • June 4, 2018

This could be the golden article that could save your business. Some businesses are booming, with customers flowing all year round. But there are some out there that find themselves barely scraping the barrel. Knowing how to attract customers, and making sure you attract enough of them, is sometimes a hard thing to master.

There’s just so much competition going on around you, and with a struggling economy, it can be hard to manage cash flow. So, we’re going to try and help you a little if you feel you fall under the latter category. We’ve got a few ideas of what your customers might want to see, so have a read on to find out more.

Clear Advertising

Clear advertising is essential. You have one chance to show your audience what they want to see, and what you need them to see. You can fit so much information in one short advertisement, but you have to do it in a way that’s going to be eye catching. Motion graphics companies are the perfect people to contact. They can get you the perfect video, along with your guidance, to capture the attention of the customers you need. It’s a short sharp video, making sure that you won’t lose the attention of your customers. Some companies make the mistake of letting an advert run for too long, it just makes it harder for people to stay engaged! You also need to make sure the information you’re advertising is 100% correct, making sure that what the customer is going to see is what they’re going to get. You can actually get in a lot of trouble for false advertisement, so it’s just so important that you don’t tell any white lies within your advert to try and draw customers in.

Consistent Quality

Consistent all round quality is good. We’re not just talking about product quality, although that is massively important. Product quality is easily to maintain, all you need to do is make sure you maintain the same standards, and don’t cut corners on quality to try and save money! You also need to be consistent in the service you offer. Customer service is essential, and as soon as that starts dipping, you’re going to have a nightmare on your hands. Always make sure you follow the same mantra, the customer is always right, and you should do whatever you can to keep them happy. Make no mistake, you will run into some trouble customers along the way that will just be impossible to please!

Consistent Offers

If you go on most websites, you’ll find an offer somewhere. Whether it be free delivery, a percentage off, buy one get one free etc. The best way to attract a customer is through an appealing offer. Try and come up with weekly, or monthly deals that you can rotate. It might be reducing the price of a product that you’re struggling to sell, or giving a customer a certain amount of money off when they spend over a specific amount. We guarantee you will have more success through doing this!