
5 Reasons Recruitment Should Be Like Your Brand – International

  • Mark Edwards ·
  • May 9, 2018

A brand is something which starts small and gets big over time. In the beginning, it needs to be manageable to take the necessary steps to success. However, after a couple of months, the main aim is to bring the brand abroad. After all, international recognition is the cornerstone of every major corporation.

The recruitment process and brand awareness appear as if they have zero similarities. At a stretch, you can argue that the people who are hired impact its reputation. Still, they are two totally different sectors in the eyes of many.

One thing they have in common is internationality. Brands want recognition around the world because it leads to more leads, more conversions, and greater sales. All three of these contribute to maximizing profits and a healthy bottom line. Here are the reasons why your company’s recruitment plan should follow the same path. After reading the following, you won’t be able to argue that it isn’t in your best interests.

There’s a Wider Pool of Talent

Keeping everything in-house is a mistake. By outsourcing far and wide, the business can benefit from different ways of thinking. Depending on upbringing and education, people think and act differently. In the industry, this is often seen as a bad thing because it’s not the status quo. Homogeneous businessmen and women like to work one way and one way only. If you’re creative and innovative, you’ll see this attitude for what it is – restrictive. By widening the talent pool, there’s a bigger catch of talent from which to pick. As a result, the firm can hire the best people with the most creative ideas that can take the company to the next level. Not to judge local market, but they generally have a limited supply of candidates that are good, but not great. Business owners and bosses should always be on the lookout for the technique which uncovers the finest resources. Human beings need to be on that list.

Some Skills Don’t Exist Here

The western hemisphere is renowned as the most civilized place in the world, North America being the main continent. So, the idea that certain skills and talents don’t exist is a little far-fetched. Surely that isn’t the case? Sorry to burst your bubble, but even the west struggles with particular abilities. Think about it for a minute and you’ll see the light. Why, for example, are doctors in Britain overwhelming from Asian communities and backgrounds? Or, why is it that eastern Europeans are in the construction trade? The answer to both of these questions is accessibility. Yes, money also plays a part, but medical professionals in India are common as there aren’t as many obstacles. As a result, countries such as Britain, Canada and the US have to reach out to fill gaps. The same goes your business. At some point, you’ll come across an obstacle that you won’t be able to hurdle. Usually, the only option is to look further afield and import the necessary expertise.

It’s Cheaper

Let’s address the elephant in the room – money. As a small to a medium-sized firm, there isn’t a bottomless budget at your disposal. To break from the chains and grow and prosper, the people in charge are going to have to spend the money wisely. It’s obvious, but a lack of financial responsibility is one huge cause for failure. The problem with cutting costs is reducing quality at the same time. As the resources go, the standards tend to follow suit. You need a way to keep the expenses low and maintain a high quality, maybe even add to it, and recruitment is the answer. We’ve already worked out that applicants are talented and innovative, so now the stumbling block is their salary. In many respects, you can count on this being lower than a normal wage because of their backgrounds. If candidates are from low economically developed nations, they won’t demand a fortune. Indeed, they may be ecstatic with the minimum that you are willing to offer. Some people argue this is exploitation but you can’t be expected to pay them more if they are happy.

They Don’t Need a Green Card

Phew, this is a massive weight off of your mind, right?! A green card, or a Lawful Permanent Residence (LPR) license, is a popular route into North  America. There is an issue, however, and it centers on the fact that it’s almost impossible to obtain one. For a moderately skilled immigrant to come from a far-flung nation and get a green card right off the bat is unheard of in many cases. Not to burst your bubble, but they often apply, wait months to hear back, and finally get rejected. This sounds as if the dream is over but Hacking Law Practice, LLC has other ideas. On this firm’s website, you’ll find a section which details non-immigrant visas. Different from an LPR, there are temporary agreements which allow the person to work and live in the country while they file for residency. Because they are much easier to obtain, this is a route that companies use to hire the men and women they want who aren’t citizens. It’s by no means a sure thing, yet it’s a nice contingency plan in case things begin to go awry.

Competition Will Increase

Not to enforce stereotypes but workers from foreign countries seem to work hard, very hard. According to studies, this is because of their background and lifestyle growing up. If they had nothing, they would have had to work multiple jobs to scrape a living. Transfer the mentality to one role and they are bound to do more thanks to their sheer force of will. Employees who lived a comfortable life may not have the same work rate, which isn’t a bad thing. Everyone is different and there should be a balance in the workplace. Still, encouraging the rest of the office to think “I’m going to pull my socks up” will increase productivity and output. A few humble international hires, then, can revolutionize the way the business acts.

How do you feel about the prospect of recruiting outside of the country? Are you for or against?