
Three Ways You Can Genuinely Transform Your Life

  • Mark Edwards ·
  • May 30, 2018

It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut, but it shouldn’t’ be that way. Life is so precious, and if you’re not out there making the most of it every day then it’s time to make a change. If you’re unhappy, bored or just ready to make things better for yourself then here are three ways you can go about it.

Improve Your Health

Health is everything. You could have fame and fortune, everything else you wanted but you will never be able to fully enjoy it or live life to its best potential if you feel unwell. We only get one body so it’s important to look after it, not only to feel good in the here and now but to be around for future generations of our family. If you’ve been living a poor lifestyle for a while, you might not even realise how unwell you feel. But making a change here genuinely can improve your life for the better, and within a few months you could have a whole new lease on life. Start eating a clean diet, cutting out processed foods and those high in saturated fat, salt and sugar. Pinterest has lots of ideas for delicious healthy meals, it really doesn’t have to be boring! Startup a new exercise routine, even if it’s as simple as walking. Ideally you will find something you enjoy so it doesn’t feel like a chore- low impact exercises like swimming and yoga are good if you’ve been out of shape for a while. Otherwise, join a gym and start on the lowest resistance on your favourite piece of equipment. Keep going until you can comfortably exercise for an hour, and then start increasing the resistance. The change on your body and mind will truly be phenomenal.

Change Career

We spend a significant amount of time at work, and to have a happy life in general we really need to find something interesting or rewarding in the work we do. If you hate your job and every day is a struggle, how can you expect to be happy in your life overall? Changing career can be scary but it could be the best thing you ever do. Make your application stand out, write a killer cover letter and be sure to include any interesting hobbies you have or any other projects you do. Perhaps you write a blog or are writing a novel, maybe you’ve previously worked abroad or done other exciting things. Employers like to see that you’re a well rounded individual as well as having relevant skills and experience. These things really help you to stand out from the crowd.


While volunteering looks great on your CV, it’s something we should all be aiming to do. If you’re in a position to help others, even if it’s only in a small way then why not do that? It could be anything from an hour a week at your local soup kitchen to a whole summer abroad helping in a third world country. This can help you to feel humble and truly appreciate all that you have. You get to help others which is good for the soul.