
First-Time Homebuyer Mortgage Options to Look At

  • Mark Edwards ·
  • February 19, 2019

If you’re looking at buying your first home, one part of the process that can get overwhelming quickly is deciding on what mortgage program to go with. Especially as a first-time homebuyer, there are multiple options to choose from. The hard part is determining which one is best for your situation.

Some mortgages require a significant down payment that can make any property feel unaffordable. However, that is why many mortgage options are specifically for first-time homebuyers that help make the process more affordable and will get you into your first house as quickly as possible.

Take a look at the following three mortgage options before you purchase your first property.

FHA Loans

The first on our list is an FHA loan. Backed by the United States Federal Housing Administration (FHA), the loan came to be during the Great Depression to help make housing more affordable for first-time homebuyers. They are known for having some of the lowest down payment requirements and a reasonably minimal credit score compared to conventional loans.

Depending on where you are in the country, the FHA loan may be the best option for you. As an example, here are some of the requirements for a Maine FHA loans:

  • Down payment of 3.5 percent.
  • No income limits.
  • Compared to other places, their loan limit is quite high.
  • A credit score can be as low as
  • Affordable mortgage insurance which is based solely on the loan amount and not risk-based pricing.


Next up is the USDA loan. This one catches people by surprise as they tend to think it’s for farmers only. That is because the USDA loan comes from the United States Department of Agriculture. However, just because the Department of Agriculture backs this loan, that doesn’t mean only farmers have access to it.

The USDA loan is for rural and suburban households across the country. You can get up to 100 percent financing. Many areas in the United States fall under suburban criteria, opening up many more areas for people to use this loan. A USDA loan is geared towards low-to-middle income families. The credit score rating typically needs to be a minimum of 640 or more. However, you can get approved if your score is lower, only if you have proper documentation to show why.

First-Time Homebuyer Grants

Before getting a mortgage, take a look at any first-time homebuyer grants and programs in your state or city. Many places in the United States have first-time homebuyer grants to help encourage young and new families to the area.

Many of these grants come in the form of low-interest loans and deferred repayment for a set time. They may also have lower down payment options and even cover things like the closing costs. These programs can take a property that you love but unsure if you can afford at the moment, and make your dream house attainable.

Buying your first house doesn’t have to break the bank. Utilizing the different first-time homebuyer programs and grants can get you into your dream home right away.

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