
A Startup Checklist for Any Type of Business

  • Mark Edwards ·
  • May 29, 2023

It can be hard to figure out a startup checklist when trying to get up and running. Your business will have different needs from another. But here are a few things every new company needs.

Plan What You Will Need to Succeed

You can’t do anything without a plan, and every business leader will tell you this is where you should start. It can be as simple as an idea. But you will eventually need to flesh it out into a solid and reliable business plan, or you won’t be able to get funding. Which should also be included. But for instance, if you have a new product, list the industrial manufacturing equipment you will need. Some might be specialist or hard to come by, so you may need a HaaS plan.

Buy a Web Domain and Build a Site ASAP

Over 90% of people will Google your business or check social media before engaging with you. So what will happen if you don’t have a web presence? You can guess that pretty much nothing can be achieved without a site or profile these days. Build a website for your business and/or products on your own domain early on. This helps remove competitor confusion and makes you easy to find. It can also help to create a personal founder profile as well as a company page too.

A Startup Checklist Includes Outsourcing

You can’t do it all. Long gone are the days of a one-man operation. It simply can’t be done anymore. Modern business requires extra tasks such as cybersecurity, managed IT systems and even call handling. Fortunately, you can outsource almost anything you can think of. Which is a great help when you need to focus on launching a product and attracting investors. But of course, don’t forget to factor outsourcing into your business plan’s financial outgoings section.

Copyrights and Trademarks

Copyrighting has become one of the most vital parts of doing business today. No matter your size, from the smallest family store to global companies, you need to pay attention to copyrights and trademarks. If you don’t, you can land in very hot legal water and lose everything. Even in small countries such as the UK, copyright registers are huge, at almost 5 million. Slogans, original works and patents can be copyrighted. So always do your homework across the board.

Engage with Your Identified Audience

One of the early keys to a successful launch is building brand loyalty and trust with core demographics prior to, during, and after the launch. You must identify your audience first, such as who your product is aimed at. And then engage all the way. Social media and your website are vital for this. And you can establish a healthy following before you even have a product to sell with the right digital marketing strategy. Hiring an external service is recommended for this.


Some of the key points to any startup checklist include a solid business plan, copyright and trademark research and engaging with your core audience prior to and after product launch.